Jieni Wan – Biography
Jieni Wan was born in Germany. At the age of four, she received her first piano lessons and moved with her parents back to China three years later. At the age of eleven, she was admitted to the Conservatory of Music in Shanghai and began her professional training in piano under the guidance of the famous Chinese Professor. Li Minduo. Two years later, she continued her studies at the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing with the Professor. Dan Shao. On Jun, 2010, Jieni passed the entrance examination at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Munich with excellent marks and has been intensifying her piano studies under Professor. Gitti Pirner and Professor. Antti Siirala, before joining Professor. Wolfgang Wagenhäuser’s class on Oct,2017 for Konzertexamen. Currently she is enrolled in Yale School of Music, under the tutelage of Professor. Robert Blocker.
Recently, Jieni has performed as a soloist with many Chinese and Western well-known Orchestras, she has given Piano Recitals and Piano Concertos with leading Orchestras both in China and abroad. Especially in Austria, Germany, Italy, Israel, Great Britain, New Zealand, Japan, Taiwan and Mainland, China. She performs in many leading venues, including Wiener Konzerthaus, Salzburg Großes Festpielhaus, Munich Herkulessaal, Berlin Konzerthaus in Europe. In the meanwhile, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra Concert Hall, Shanghai Concert Hall, Beijing Concert Hall, National Centre for the Performing Arts, Beijing, Shenzhen Concert Hall, Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall and many other Concert Halls and Grand Theatres in Mainland, China.
Jieni has appeared with major orchestras under the direction of such eminent conductors as Maestro Christoph Eschenbach(2016 China Tour with World Master Orchestra), Bernhard Koch(2013 Munich with Camerata Muenchen Orchestra), Fuad Ibrahimov(2015 China Tour with Neue Philharmonie Muenchen), Long Yu(Apr, 2017 Guangzhou with Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra), Lü Jia(2016 Beijing with the NCPA Orchestra, Apr, 2017 Shenzhen with Macao Orchestra), Xu Zhong(2016 Shanghai with Orchestra del Maggio Musicale, 2016 Israel Haifa with Haifa Symphony Orchestra).
In the 2016/17 Season, the engagements of Jieni include with Shanghai Symphony Orchestra which she has performed Edward Grieg Piano Concerto in A Minor under the baton of Maestro Zubin Mehta on Jun, 2017. Maurice Ravel Piano Concerto In G Major with China Philharmonic Orchestra under the baton of French Conductor Pascal Rophé on May, 2017.
The 2017/18 Season, Jieni has debuted with Royal Scottish National Orchestra and Maestro Gilbert Varga in Glasgow and Edinburgh, Scotland on Sep, 2017. In the meanwhile, she has cooperated with Auckland Philharmonia and Chinese conductor Li Xincao which was her New Zealand debut.
In early January and late February 2018, Jieni has just debuted with Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra which accompanied with their China Tour in Beijing and Jinan the former. The latter with the Orchestra of Teatro Lirico Giuseppe Verdi di Trieste, not only in Trieste, but also in Maribor, Slovenia.
In this 2018/19 Season, Jieni has joined Konzerthausorchester Berlin’s China Tour under the baton of Lawrence Foster on Nov, 2018. Moreover, she has debuted with Philharmonisches Orchester Erfurt Myron Michailidis in Germany.
旅德青年钢琴演奏家。万捷旎从小在德国长大,自幼学习钢琴。先后就读于上海音乐学院附中, 中央音乐学院附中。师从著名钢琴教育家李民铎教授、邵丹教授。她在年仅15岁时,以专业第一名的成绩考入慕尼黑音乐与表演艺术大学少年班,16岁时被破格录取为钢琴演奏专业本科学生,师从德国钢琴泰斗威廉·肯普夫的嫡传弟子吉蒂·皮尔纳教授、芬兰钢琴家安蒂·西拉拉教授,并于2017年获得硕士学位。自2017年起师从沃尔夫冈·瓦根豪塞教授并获得Konzertexamen演奏家文凭。随后于耶鲁大学音乐学院继续深造,并师从耶鲁大学音乐学院院长、钢琴家罗伯特·布洛克教授。
2017-2018乐季,万捷旎与指挥家吉尔伯特·瓦尔加和皇家苏格兰国家管弦乐团成功合作,分别完成了在格拉斯哥和爱丁堡的登台首演。2017年11月,她携手指挥家李心草,与奥克兰爱乐乐团合作完成了个人在新西兰的首度亮相。2018年元月,万捷旎与俄罗斯国家新西伯利亚爱乐乐团和指挥家李飚在中国的巡演,2月,万捷旎在意大利里雅斯特和斯洛文尼亚的马里博尔随朱塞佩·威尔第抒情歌剧院乐团演出莫扎特的钢琴协奏曲。7月她以独奏家的身份首度与中国国家交响乐团合作,与李心草合作贝多芬《第三钢琴协奏曲》。8月万捷旎携手苏州交响乐团及许忠合作首次登上台北国家两厅院音乐厅及日本神户音乐厅。9月她受邀参加国家大剧院2018全球华人乐团音乐会并与该乐团及吕嘉合作“梁祝”钢琴协奏曲。10月万捷旎与著名的柏林音乐厅管弦乐团首次合作,并携手该团与指挥大师劳伦斯·福斯特于德国柏林及中国内地巡演。11月她与埃尔福特爱乐乐团及指挥家Myron Michailidis合作。12月她首次与杭州爱乐乐团及指挥家杨洋合作。